Newly-elected Provincial Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development structure ready to roll

MEC Desbo Mohono handing over the constitution of the Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development to its chairperson Ipeleng Kwadi. Picture: Supplied

MEC Desbo Mohono handing over the constitution of the Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development to its chairperson Ipeleng Kwadi. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 10, 2023


Pretoria - The newly-elected Provincial Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development structure is ready to get the ball rolling.

MEC Desbo Mohono unveiled the structure – which comprises young people actively involved in agriculture and rural development programmes – on Friday in Potchefstroom.

The structure is mandated to expand youth participation in the sector, lead in creating awareness around agricultural activities to ensure food security and economic stability in the province; respond to the youth’s needs by implementing appropriate programmes, policies, and services, and advocate for the youth’s equal participation in decision making in the agricultural sector.

Major financial institutions and agricultural establishments were in attendance with stalls and presentations covering various aspects of modern farming practices, market access, funding opportunities and best financial management practices for farmers.

Mohono said she was confident that with the energy and knowledge of these youngsters, there will be a change in the sector.

“As the department we saw it fit to organise young people in the sector to form a structure so that they can be united with the vision of ensuring food security. We are serious about creating a young generation of farmers.

“We do not want young people with businesses that are not sustainable; we will assist them.”

The structure is led by Ipeleng Kwadi, a woman farmer from Brits in Bojanala Platinum District. She will be serving as the chairperson of the North West Provincial Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development structure.

“As young farmers we understand the task at hand. We are looking forward to working with fellow young farmers to stimulate the thinking of youth to take up agriculture as a commercial venture.”

The department will train 28 members of the structure on leadership and governance.

Pretoria News