Create Christmas crackers at home

Create your own Christmas crackers.File image

Create your own Christmas crackers.File image

Published Nov 19, 2023


Cape Town - Kids, Christmas is just around the corner and this means creating your own decorations using anything inside your home. said using old Christmas gift wrapping will make colourful crackers.

What you will need:

  1. empty toilet rolls
  2. sellotape
  3. ribbons or string
  4. This is optional: a small toy, a sweet, party hat, paper crown or a small bar of soap, a packet of tissues, crayons or a pencil, an eraser or sharpener.
  5. A pair of scissors
  6. Pen, pencils and paper

What to do:

  1. Ask a parent to help you with this part of the activity. Take out your gift wrapping and measure the size of the toilet roll and make sure it covers the cardboard on both sides and that the length is long enough.
  2. Once you have the right size and look, take a piece of sellotape and secure it. Remember to ask your mom or dad to help you to use the scissors when cutting the paper.
  3. Now add one of the items you have chosen.
  4. If you want to add a special note inside, cut up tiny pieces of paper writing a message on it of your choice, for example: “I love you mom and dad, Merry Christmas, and Have a Merry Little Christmas.”
  5. Scrunch each end and tie using a piece of string or ribbon which you have already cut to size and remember to ask an adult to help you and you will be done.

Weekend Argus