This quiz will reveal where you will travel this December

A QUICK quiz will help you decide which is a better option: the berg, bush or the beach? Picture: Pexels.

A QUICK quiz will help you decide which is a better option: the berg, bush or the beach? Picture: Pexels.

Published Nov 22, 2021


Haven’t decided where you are travelling this December? Perhaps a quick quiz will help you decide which is a better option: the berg, bush or the beach?

Shaun Lamont, managing director of First Group Hotel and Resorts, said a holiday starts by choosing the right destination.

“Marking off holiday time on your calendar can give you something to look forward to, but proper planning is key to ensuring that you have the time of your life.

“Going on a beach holiday when you hate the sand isn’t wise, and neither is going on a holiday to a secluded, off-the-grid cottage in the bush if you prefer all amenities that come with staying at a 4-star resort," he said.

Take the quiz here:

1. What do you hate doing on holiday?

(a) Lying on the beach

(b) Hiking

(c) Shopping

2. What do you look forward to most on holiday?

(a) Discovering nature

(b) Getting your tan on

(c) Outdoor activities

3. Are you an early riser?

(a) Absolutely, I watch the sun rise

(b) Nope, not on holiday

(c) I’m easy

4. What type of reading material will be going in your suitcase?

(a) Wildlife spotting guide

(b) Favourite magazine or novel

(c) Map with hiking trails

5. What is your preferred mode of transport?

(a) 4x4

(b) Jeep

(c) Foot

6. What is your preferred footwear?

(a) Anything comfy

(b) Flip flops

(c) Hiking takkies

7. Who would be your ideal travel companion?

(a) Bear Grylls

(b) Rhianna

(c) Heather Anderson


Mostly As: Bush

If you answered mostly As, then an escape from the noise and fast pace of city life is what you’re after. Along with a good dose of rest, a safari is likely to be right up your alley. Get ready to enjoy the fresh air, marvel at the stars and get up close and personal with the wildlife.

Mostly Bs: Beach

If you answered mostly Bs, a beach break is ideal. So, grab your sunscreen, hat and sunnies, and head to the beach for long, lazy days and gorgeous sunsets. While there’s so much to see and do at seaside destinations, there is no rush in Africa. Be as active or as lazy as you like.

Mostly Cs: Berg

Those who answered mostly Cs are likely to enjoy wide, open spaces and majestic scenery, toasty fires and warm drinks. So, if this is your idea of fun, then lace up your hiking boots and head into the mountains. There are action-packed kids’ activity programmes and childminders for parents who want some alone time.