Spending the holiday poolside? Make sure you brush up on your pool safety tips

Always ensure that there is a responsible adult actively supervising children around the pool. Picture: Cara Viereckl/Independent Newspapers

Always ensure that there is a responsible adult actively supervising children around the pool. Picture: Cara Viereckl/Independent Newspapers

Published Dec 14, 2023


The festive season is a time of joy and celebration, and many families choose to spend their holidays by the pool or beach.

While these moments create lasting memories, it is crucial to prioritise safety to ensure a happy and accident-free holiday season.

Pool care products brand HTH has formed a strategic partnership with the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) to raise awareness about water safety.

Speaking on the partnership, Elsabe Venter, Marketing at HTH, explained: “We are proud to announce our partnership with NSRI to promote pool safety during the festive season, and beyond.”

“Safety around the swimming pool over the holiday period should be top of mind for all pool owners,” said NSRI CEO Dr Cleeve Robertson.

“Drowning is silent. If you can’t see your children and visitors in the water, you will not know that they are in difficulty.

“It is also important to remember that when consuming alcohol and supervising children swimming, your attention will be compromised,” added Robertson.

Key pool safety tips:

Supervision: Always ensure that there is a responsible adult actively supervising children around the pool.

Barriers: Install proper barriers, such as pool nets, fences and gates, to restrict access to the pool area.

Learn CPR: Knowing CPR can be a lifesaver in emergency situations. Consider taking a CPR course to be prepared.

Water awareness: Educate children about the importance of water safety, including the dangers of running or rough play around the pool.

For more information about pool safety and the partnership, please visit https://www.nsri.org.za | NSRI EMERGENCY: 087 094 9774

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