Joburg EMS recover three bodies from Snake Park Stream

The EMS Aquatic Rescue Unit have recovered the bodies of three men who drowned earlier today during a baptism ceremony in a stream at Snake Park, Soweto near Mayibuye Bridge. Picture: Supplied/City of Joburg EMS

The EMS Aquatic Rescue Unit have recovered the bodies of three men who drowned earlier today during a baptism ceremony in a stream at Snake Park, Soweto near Mayibuye Bridge. Picture: Supplied/City of Joburg EMS

Published Jan 3, 2023


Johannesburg - The City of Johannesburg Emergency Services (EMS) has confirmed the death of three men who reportedly drowned in what is said to have been a baptism ceremony in Snake Park, Soweto, on Saturday.

Spokesperson for EMS, Nana Radebe, said the bodies of three men aged between 24 and 30 were retrieved after they drowned in a stream in Snake Park, Soweto, during a baptism ceremony on Saturday.

She said the rescue mission was undertaken by members of the EMS Aquatic Rescue Unit, who were dispatched just before midday on Saturday.

"The EMS Aquatic Rescue Unit was able to recover the bodies of three men who drowned earlier today during a baptism ceremony in a stream at Snake Park, Soweto, next to the Mayibuye Bridge," Radebe said.

Radebe said they received a call informing them of the incident at about 11.15am, and when they arrived at the scene, they were greeted by members of the victims' families who were already there.

"When we got there, there were people, and they said there was a baptism ceremony. (They alleged) when the three guys went in, one slipped. The (two other men) tried to go in as well, but it was too deep. They also slipped and drowned," she said.

The EMS Aquatic Rescue Unit have recovered the bodies of three men who drowned earlier today during a baptism ceremony in a stream at Snake Park, Soweto near Mayibuye Bridge. Picture: Supplied/City of Joburg EMS

Radebe said the body of one of the victims was retrieved before midday, while the other two bodies were retrieved after 2pm. It was not immediately clear to what church the men belonged.

This incident comes just two weeks after more than 17 people drowned following yet another baptism ceremony at the Jukskei River near Alexandra Township.

Joburg Emergency Services Robert Mulaudzi has also urged residents of the City of Johannesburg at the time to be cautious when conducting baptism rituals at riverbanks.

"We know that during the festive season there will be a lot of religious ceremonies like baptisms, but water levels are high. They must exercise caution and have safety measures in place when they conduct these rituals, Mulaudzi said.

A community member named Thomas Sekobane, who lives near the stream, told The Star that the stream is very dangerous, especially during the rainy season.

"What has happened is very sad, indeed. We normally go past the bridge and see, on a daily basis, people being baptised here, and it is a very dangerous and scary stream considering the rainy weather," he said.

The Star