Carl Niehaus files appeal papers to ANC NDC

Carl Niehaus, the Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) spokesperson, stuck to his promise to protest against President Cyril Ramaphosa when the ANC's National Executive Committee met at the weekend. Source Carl Niehaus Twitter.

Carl Niehaus, the Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) spokesperson, stuck to his promise to protest against President Cyril Ramaphosa when the ANC's National Executive Committee met at the weekend. Source Carl Niehaus Twitter.

Published Dec 14, 2022


Johannesburg – Expelled ANC member and former Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) spokesperson Carl Niehaus has filed his ground of appeal application to the ANC National Disciplinary Committee following his expulsion from the ruling party this week.

Niehaus was expelled this week for bringing the party into disrepute.

The former ANC spokesperson and Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans (MKMVA) filed their papers on Tuesday following his suspension after a disciplinary process that began in 2021.

In his appeal, Niehaus says the ANC NDC erred in its findings against him, which found that his utterances go beyond the boundaries of freedom of speech and free circulation of ideas permitted in the ANC.

Niehaus has been charged on six counts of bringing the party into disrepute following utterances he made against the party in support of former president Jacob Zuma, among other things.

In his papers, Niehaus also contends that he was not given a chance to present his case after the party allegedly cancelled and delayed some of the hearings ahead of his expulsion.

"The charged member was entitled to raise his opinion and exercise his right to freedom of speech."

"The charged member is not the only one who has levelled and raised their support for Mr Zuma, and the NDC patently failed to take this into account," Niehaus said in his appeal papers. .. The NDC erred in failing to take into account that no evidence was led to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the ANC was in disrepute.

A report signed by the NDC chairperson, Ralph Mgijimi, dated December 12 listed all the transgressions and witnesses who testified for and against him.

In 2021, he was charged with convening an illegal gathering outside Estcourt prison after former president Jacob Zuma was jailed for contempt of an order by the Constitutional Court, which forced him to appear and testify before the state capture commission after having travelled to Estcourt to show support to Zuma.

In June, he was vindicated when the Escourt Magistrates Court dismissed the case against him.

The Star