SA Rugby say Rassie Erasmus’ Twitter account was hacked after porn clip tweet

FILE - SA director of rugby Rassie Erasmus. Photo: Samuel Shivambu/BackpagePix

FILE - SA director of rugby Rassie Erasmus. Photo: Samuel Shivambu/BackpagePix

Published Jun 5, 2022


Cape Town — SA Rugby were quick to claim that director of rugby Rassie Erasmus’ Twitter account was hacked after he reportedly retweeted a porn clip.

Erasmus struggled to untweet the post, which was up on his account for a number of hours.

“Sorry guys about that inapropriate tweets!! The handle has been hacked!! Reallly sorry about that!! I am trying to sort it out!!! Rassie,” Erasmus said on Twitter on Saturday.

“Guys the hackers still seem to have the retweet from earlier appearing in some places although it has been deleted on my side and reported. Hopefully my account will be sorted shortly,” he continued.

He later said: “Guys and ladies thanks for the advice to undo the retweet!! It is deleted on my account, but I did not retweet it!! The moment I delete it pops up again somewhere else! Appreciate the corncern.”

On Sunday, SA Rugby released a statement about Erasmus’ account being hacked.

“Rassie Erasmus, SA Rugby’s Director of Rugby, has confirmed that his Twitter account, @RassieRugby, has been hacked and that he no longer has access to or control of the account,” they said.

“The issue has been reported to Twitter and will hopefully be resolved speedily. Any content appearing under the handle should be disregarded as being posted by a malicious hacker until further notice.”

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