Body retrieved from Crocodile River amid string of drownings

Police divers retrieved the body of a man from the Crocodile River, near Brits, three days after it was spotted as crocodiles were seen closed to it.

Police divers retrieved the body of a man from the Crocodile River, near Brits, three days after it was spotted as crocodiles were seen closed to it.

Published Nov 18, 2022


Rustenburg - The body of a man was retrieved three days after it was spotted in the Crocodile River, near Brits in the North West, because crocodiles were close to it.

The unidentified body was retrieved on Thursday afternoon.

“It took the divers who were assisted by the Air Wing three days to retrieve the body which was spotted through utilisation of a drone due to crocodiles that were visible in the water close to the body,” North West police spokesperson Colonel Adele Myburgh said.

She said five drowning incidents were reported recently.

On November 11, the body of an unknown woman was recovered at Klipkop in the Crocodile River at about 5pm after she apparently fell into the river and drowned.

The body of a 15-year-old boy was retrieved from a dam next to a school in Koster on November 12.

“A third incident was reported in Jouberton on the same day (12 November 2022), but the police divers only found the body of a female two days later. It is alleged that the lady was swept away by floodwater in the Jagerspruit, when she tried to cross the stream.”

She said the fourth recovery of a unknown body which was in a state of decomposition was made on Monday afternoon in Sunrise Park, near Rustenburg. The body was recovered from the Hex River.

She advised community members to take heed and apply the following safety tips:

When swimming:

– Never swim alone.

– Don’t duck and push others into or around water.

– Ensure that water depths are appropriate for swimming and diving.

– Never dive into muddy or unclear water.

– Do not swim during an electrical storm.

– Do not enter the water unless you are a strong swimmer.

– When swimming in dams, check the edge of the dam for soft mud. Move slowly to the water; if the ground gives way, retreat.

– Weeds may occur in all environments and should be avoided whenever possible. If caught in a weed or kelp, swimmers should remain calm, keep all movement to a minimum and remove the weed or kelp before swimming out.

– Be careful of currents and undertows in fast-flowing rivers.

– Extreme care should be taken when entering rivers due to changing conditions.

The following observations are important when you want to cross a river or if you want to swim in a river, lake or dam:

– Before entering the water, check the strength of the current.

– When caught in a fast-flowing river, travel feet first, as this will protect the head and body from serious injury.

– When you fall into water and are unable to stand and reach the side quickly, you should:

Stay calm.

Try not to swallow water.

Keep your head above the water by kicking as if you are cycling and by paddling with your hands at the same time.

– When you swim in open water it’s much harder than swimming in the still waters of a pool. This means you may tire faster and that can lead to trouble very quickly.

– When swimming in rivers or lakes, the murky water can make it difficult to find people who go under.

– If you swim in a place with a strong current, such as where two rivers meet, it can be easy to be pulled under and swept away.

– It’s important when you’re out on the water to wear an appropriately fitting life jacket in case you get tossed unexpectedly into the water. This goes for children, too.

– Make sure you check the weather conditions on a day you will be out, and always make sure you have a cellphone handy as well as someone with you who can perform CPR if needed.

– Talk to your children about the dangers of being in open water and tell them what to do in case of an emergency.

General safety tips:

– The most important rule of water is that everyone should respect water and its environment.

– Always read and obey advisory notices, it is for your safety.

– Know where to get assistance.

– Alcohol and water safety do not mix. Alcohol abuse impairs your senses and judgement. It is irresponsible to put others at risk while you are supposedly having fun.

– If you are not trained in lifesaving or rescue techniques, use any suitable object, such as an empty cooler box, to assist a person in difficulty and call for help.

Inflatable car tubes and lilos are dangerous because they give you a false sense of safety and security.

– Young children should be constantly supervised when near water, even during bath time.

– The most dangerous time at a picnic is upon arrival when parents are unpacking and children venture to discover their surroundings. Children have an irresistible attraction to water.

– Do not drive through floodwaters in your vehicle. A washed-out roadway can be hidden by muddy water, allowing a vehicle to drop into unexpected deep water.


– Do not stand up to cast in small boats.

– Only cast when it is safe to do so.

– Keep the boat well balanced.

– Be careful when wading in fast-flowing rivers.

– Obey the fishing regulations.

– Always wear non-slip footwear on rocks.

– When anchored, keep a knife nearby in order to cut the anchor rope when necessary.