Want a career in FMCG? This is what you need to know

A CAREER opportunity in the FMCG sector is becoming a supply and distribution chain manager. Picture: Pexels/Laura James

A CAREER opportunity in the FMCG sector is becoming a supply and distribution chain manager. Picture: Pexels/Laura James

Published Mar 10, 2022


Stats SA's Quarterly Labour Force Survey for 2021 revealed that unemployment among university graduates stands at 9.3%.

If you're looking for exciting and dynamic work experience, then a career in the FMCG sector might just be suitable for you. Most FMCG giants come up with fresher programmes for new graduates and MBA recruits. Through these programmes, candidates get all kinds of training – including leadership and managerial roles.

To help with direction, here are five positions that could set you up for success, as suggested by Bonn Group of Industries.

Retail buyers

For this role, it is important to know your store's customer, their tastes, and the most sold product in their store. Good knowledge of current trends and fashion is needed for this role, to stay ahead of the competition.

Marketing managers

Their responsibility is to research, plan and implement all aspects of marketing goals, so that their company can stay relevant and improve with the changing times.

Supply and distribution chain managers

They are behind planning and organising all aspects of supplying the right products to the right store, at the right time.

Finance managers

They need to have a cost accounting qualification alongside their work. With seniority, the role transitions into cost-saving and change management projects, to improve the overall profitability of the organisation.

Retail managers

Their duty is to plan and coordinate retail outlets. Their duty changes according to the size of the retail store. Sometimes, they take direct control of all aspects of supply chain management, retail supply management, and stock selection.


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