Tips on how to cope with an exam failure

Take every failure in a positive way-every failed step is getting one step closer to success.

Take every failure in a positive way-every failed step is getting one step closer to success.

Published Jan 18, 2022


To experience success in your life, you must be prepared to experience failure. And guess what, you’re not alone. Failing an exam only means that you did not do your best the first time around, and next time, you'll need to commit yourself and learn from your mistakes.

Check out these four tips on how to cope with an exam failure.

  • Don’t panic.
  • Talk to people.
  • Assess the damage.
  • Determine the way forward.

Exam failure is just one of the many hurdles you’ll have to surpass in your life, and there are always possibilities to learn and rise above failure. The purpose of failure is to motivate us to achieve our goals and convert dreams into reality. Failure teaches us to take risks in life and fight bravely. If you want to do something remarkable in life, you have to try something remarkable. It is a way to live a great life. You have to give up something to get something.

Organisations such as The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) have been at the forefront in providing counselling services, mental health awareness programmes to communities across South Africa. Call them on the following numbers, there is no need to suffer in silence.

  • Suicide Crisis Line:
  • SADAG Mental Health Line:

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