7 ways to destress before the matric results

The class of 2020 should be applauded for their willingness to push pass their struggles in a year of great uncertainty. Picture: Pexels.

The class of 2020 should be applauded for their willingness to push pass their struggles in a year of great uncertainty. Picture: Pexels.

Published Feb 12, 2021


All eyes will be on the matric class of 2020 for not only successfully completing their final year of school but also trudging through a tough and unpredictable pandemic-year.

In less than two weeks, more than one million learners will find out if their study efforts were successful. The class of 2020 should be applauded for their willingness to push pass their struggles in a year of great uncertainty.

As you await your results, it is normal to feel nervous or anxious. We have all been there. These days of waiting can be even more stressful than the entire year that preceded it.

Here are 7 ways you can destress before you receive your matric results.

1. Connect with nature and things you love doing

Go on a hike or visit the beach or take a road trip with some friends. The summer weather is usually perfect for being out and about, and with nature there's something soothing about the sound of the crashing waves or trees swooning to the wind. Being outdoors and getting your dose of vitamin d is also a great way to release dopamine (the happiness hormone).

2. Exercise and keep fit

You would be surprised at just how invigorating breaking into a sweat can be, and nothing helps ease worry quite like physical exercise. Go for an early morning run around your neighbourhood or enrol at a local gym or take up a sport. Try and get into a routine where you spend around 30 minutes a day on some sort of physical exercise.

3. Eat well and stay hydrated

Your body needs to recover from the stress of the exams and the stress of last year’s pandemic uncertainty, and one of the most important ways to help it do so is by eating well and staying hydrated. The hot summer weather can often rob us of our appetites and the prospect of a plate of home-cooked food is really not that appealing when it's boiling hot outside. Opt instead for salads, cold pasta dishes or other light meals. And, instead of snacking on sugary snacks and drinks, snack on fruit and drink plenty of water.

4. Take up a new hobby

This is a great time to learn a new skill and finally master that yoga technique, as you have very little distraction compared to last year.

Look for free online workshops and classes in your area. Do something fun and creative with your old T-shirts and denims. Revamp them, cut off those scruffy jeans and make some cool new shorts for the summer.

5. Talk about your fears, don’t keep it to yourself

There are many others who are also experiencing the same kind of anxiety and a burden shared really is a burden halved. If you feel like you need to speak to a professional, please do not hesitate. There are a number of counselling services for young people. One such counselling organisation is SADAG.

6. Think about and make a list of your options

Let’s be honest, not everyone is going to pass matric or get admitted to the tertiary course they really want to study. It is advisable to have a Plan B. This is the perfect time to refine the plan and take stock of what you need to do if you're one of the unlucky ones. It also means that you won't feel completely devastated if you haven't been successful. It's important at this point to also remember that you can write supplementary exams if necessary, so all is not lost.

7. Have fun!

You have done all the hard work and trudged through a pandemic, now relax and enjoy this time between being at school and entering the adult world.

There’s no doubt that the year 2020 will go down in history as a troublesome year and disruptor of all plans. However, the events of the year had also evoked great strength in the education sector with many learning institutions migrating towards new and improved ways of learning.

The popular cliché ‘The world is your oyster’ means you are in a position to take the opportunities that life has to offer. Not everyone will have the same opportunities, nor will it be at their desired time but we all have a purpose in life, so hold on and make the best out of life.

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