DBE increases its certification and examination services fees

The Department of Basic Education has increased fees for all certifications and examination services. Filed Photo

The Department of Basic Education has increased fees for all certifications and examination services. Filed Photo

Published Apr 9, 2021


The Department of Basic Education (DBE) announced its revised tariffs for all certifications services and examination.

The DBE shared the increased fees and a letter from the National Department of Treasury on Twitter.

The letter from Treasury states that it has granted the DBE approval in terms of section 7.3.1 of the Treasury Regulations.

The new tariffs are for the period of 2021/22 and 2023/24.The revised fees are for all certification and examination fees relating to the National Senior Certificate for services rendered by the DBE.

— Dep. Basic Education (@DBE_SA) April 6, 2021

Replacing, re-issuing or making amendments to your National Senior Certificate will cost R141 apiece this year, but in three years to come, the fee will rise to R164.

In 2021, the fee for a remark is R104. This fee will increase to R110 in 2022/23 and R116 in 2024.

The fee hike did not please many social media users who complained that the department itself made plenty of mistakes, lost candidates’ results, and was inefficient in its provision of services to the public.

Junior Tee tweeted: “Is anyone aware that I have not received my 3 months payment all the way back from October last year? Sent numerous enquiries but still no answer. I got proofs of emails and hard copies. This is a shame“

Katlego Mohobo’s tweet: “ What do we do in the event that the department made a mistake in capturing names & surnames incorrectly? Then the certificate or statement came with wrong names? Do I still pay for amendments?

Sipho Phiri questioned why these services were not free: “Do you realise that you should be offering these services (for) free? Covid-19 impact to parents and adult learners resulted in no income or reduce(d) income don't matter to DBE?,” he wrote.

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