Why SADC leaders slammed proposed US law to punish African countries for trading with Russia

Essentially, the proposed law seeks to punish African countries for doing business with Russia. Picture: Congress.Gov/Screenshot

Essentially, the proposed law seeks to punish African countries for doing business with Russia. Picture: Congress.Gov/Screenshot

Published Aug 21, 2022


The Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act passed the House of Representatives on 27 April by a huge, 419-9 majority, is now sure to be passed by the Senate and become law soon.

The Full Act

An Act to direct the Secretary of State to develop and submit to Congress a strategy and implementation plan outlining United States efforts to counter the malign influence and activities of the Russian Federation and its proxies in Africa, and for other purposes.

SADC countries dismiss law

At the 42nd Ordinary Summit held in Kinshasa, DRC this week, SADC leaders expressed its dissatisfaction that the continent was being targeted for unilateral and punitive measures through the new act, the Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act, that was recently adopted by the US House of Representatives.

SADC leaders said that the new US law seeking to punish states that back certain Russian actions could have implications for African countries.

The summit reaffirmed its position of non-alignment to conflict outside Africa, and directed that the matter be included in the AU agenda.

South African Department of International Relations and Co-Operation’s Naledi Pandor, accused some European countries of “patronizing bullying” regarding Africa's position toward the war in Ukraine, and said the Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act passed by the U.S. House of Representatives is "a most unfortunate bill.

According to Yosam's Take On Global and National Current Affairs, Africa is speaking up loud and clear against US and EU coercive behaviours, said the political, socio-economic policy analyst covering Asia and Africa.

What you need to know about the proposed Act

According to the proposed Act, according to information provided by Congress.Gov, it is the sense of Congress that:

– The United States should regularly assess the scale and scope of the Russian Federation’s influence and activities in Africa that undermine United States objectives and interests.

– Determine how to address and counter such influence and activities effectively, including through appropriate United States foreign assistance programs.

– To hold accountable the Russian Federation and African governments and their officials who are complicit in aiding such malign influence and activities.

— Black Alliance for Peace (@Blacks4Peace) May 25, 2022