What to ask children instead of ’How was your day?’

Conversation starters for children

Conversation starters for children

Published Aug 31, 2021


I want to know what she did today. Was she nice to her classmates? So I ask her. How was your day at school? Her response may be one-word answers such as “fine” or “nothing”. Does this sound familiar? Well, we all know how different children can be. Some come home and tell their parents what happened at school from start to finish. Other children offer very little about their day. Specific questions or questions related to feelings are often more appropriate and will result in answers that may lead to a better insight into their day.

Here are some of the favourite conversation starters for our children the @BiglifeJournal has come up with. They are not perfect, but at least you will get complete sentences, and some might lead to some interesting conversations and hilarious answers, and some insights into how your children think and feel about school.

1. How was your day? Try this: Can you tell me something that made you laugh today? You can learn a lot about your child’s sense of humour and friends and get them smiling by asking them to recount things that made them laugh.

2. Did you eat your lunch? Try this: Who did you sit with at break today? Allowing your child to discuss friends they may have a hard time getting along with opens opportunities to discuss how others make them feel.

3. Did you have a good day? Try this: What did you do that made someone smile today? Show your children that school isn’t just about academics. Kindness matters.

4. What did you learn at school? Try this: Did you enjoy art or science more today? Why? When questions are broad, it’s easy for a child to feel unsure of how to answer. Being specific facilitates a detailed response and opens the door for further discussion.

5. What did you do today? Try this: I love hearing about your school day. Sometimes questions are overwhelming. Just letting your child know that you are interested gives them permission to share when they are ready.

6. How was your day? Try this: What was easier today than yesterday? Encouraging your children to notice that their practice is making a difference helps instil a positive self-image and a growth mindset.