Letter: SA’s potential hog-tied by a despicable few

Sacked Eskom CEO Andre De Ruyter. Picture: Sumaya Hisham/Reuters

Sacked Eskom CEO Andre De Ruyter. Picture: Sumaya Hisham/Reuters

Published Mar 6, 2023


By Derick Muller

Cape Town - As, I believe, a good citizen with above-average “civic responsibility” towards all my fellow citizens, respectful and cognisant of most of what is going on around me, I am becoming increasingly less tolerant and accommodating towards people who have been duly elected to run this beautiful country but are only hell-bent on enriching themselves, and be damned the rest of us!

I do not for one minute believe that Andre De Ruyter “manufactured” any part of his testimony and affidavit tendered to the ANC in lieu of his resignation, and profound accusations of malice and malpractice being perpetrated by factions within the ANC government for their own ongoing gain.

I do believe that De Ruyter is intelligent enough to have garnered and documented all the “proof” to substantiate every statement he has made, both to the ANC and the public at large.

I do believe that De Ruyter is SA’s huge potential is being hog-tied by a despicable few intelligent enough to have garnered and documented all the “proof” to substantiate every statement he has made, both to the ANC and the public at large.

That is why the ANC’s challenge for De Ruyter to publicly declare his truth and provide the evidence required will be another red-letter day for an already discredited and maligned ANC.

One wonders at the sudden resignation of David Mabuza. The “rumour machine” around Eskom has it that the “Minister” referred to by De Ruyter may or may not be the veritable ex-deputy president himself?

In any event, the path of “self-destruction” that the ANC are perpetrating with the utmost arrogance and disdain for the multitude of poor, hapless people who are being “sacrificed” at the altar of the ANC’s debauched greed -infested, ruinous “feeding frenzy” of corrupt are in most part oblivious to what this self-proclaimed “party of the people” are doing to the very people that they have been elected to sustain and uplift.

Cry the beloved country. Every day, all the more, I drive past “settlements” such as Dunoon and Masi and I witness the plight and poverty of people as they live in squalor and filth, eking out a miserable existence.

I see small children with smiles and hope in their eyes, and I want to weep every time, for I know that as long as the ANC exists and rules, that smile and glimmer of hope in their eyes will be extinguished and replaced by a despair and hopelessness, courtesy of the “greed- infested pigs” that want the poor to stay poor for their personal gain.

When will “enough, be enough”? Surely all citizens deserve to be treated with respect and lay claim to a society where the people that govern have the well-being and social upliftment of the poor as their first responsibility?

Where good education and policing and job creation is encouraged and desired by all citizens. Where people are encouraged to be creative and industrious and rewarded accordingly. Not for your colour or race or political connections, but for the right reasons.

We have so much potential being “hog-tied” by a despicable few. Bring on the revolution. Away with the ANC. Let the people of South Africa be free from the shackles of the greedy few.

Cape Times