Search continues for boy, 9, at Sandy Bay



Published Jul 3, 2023


The search continues for a nine-year-old boy swept off the rocks at Sandy Bay on Sunday afternoon.

National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) spokesperson, Craig Lambinon, said the search resumed on Monday with rescue vessels, including a Skymed helicopter.

“At 3.47pm on Sunday, NSRI Hout Bay duty crew were activated due to reports of a nine-year-old male child missing at sea after reportedly being washed off rocks at Sandy Bay on the Atlantic Seaboard.

“The Hout Bay duty crew launched two rescue crafts and Bakoven duty crew launched the NSRI Gemini Legend (rescue craft),” said Lambinon.

An extensive sea, air and shoreline search was done on Sunday but yielded no signs of the missing child.

“Police divers held a briefing at Hout Bay after daylight was lost at the search area.

“It appears that the child from Hout Bay was with friends and relatives and they had gone to Sandy Bay where, while standing on a rock on the shoreline, a wave reportedly swept the child off the rock into the sea.

“Police divers are continuing with the search. Our thoughts are with the family at this difficult time,” said Lambinon.

Anti-crime organisation, Community Crime Prevention (CCP) said they were alerted to the call on Sunday.

“At 3.44pm CCP was alerted that a young child had been washed off the rocks in the Sandy Bay area. NSRI was alerted and dispatched boats from Hout Bay and Bakoven stations as well as CCP members went to assist with the search.

“The Skymed helicopter and rescue swimmers searched the area braving the strong swells. Unfortunately the child could not be located and resources stood down at 5.49pm due to lack of light,” said the organisation.

Cape Times