Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this week (Nov 21 - Nov 27)

sagittarius star sign. Picture: lenahelfinger/Pixabay

sagittarius star sign. Picture: lenahelfinger/Pixabay

Published Nov 21, 2021


International astrologer Tanya Obreza let's us know what's in the stars this week.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Best Day: Monday 22nd

You may be tempted to shift the blame onto others and why not, when everyone else is doing the same? It’s a week where there’s little room to manoeuvre. No one in particular is at fault. It’s more a case of each for themselves. And you have every right to follow suit. The upside: business and pleasure entwine. Delightfully so.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Best Day: Sunday 21st

This week, don’t ruffle any feathers by speaking up at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons. It’s no use shouting louder than others if what you say isn’t being heard. And be sure to have all the facts before you speak. Listen carefully Taurus, and be certain that you have the whole truth before voicing a verbal attack.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Best Day: Friday 26th

Here’s a delightful week, when social life and friendships are likely to thrive. You actively seek like-minded souls, and they’re magnetically drawn to you. In matters of the heart, carnally charged couples embrace deeper passions. Singles, too, are encouraged to give boldest fantasies free reign. Lust at first sight, perhaps?

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Best Day: Saturday 27th

Change is coming – so sharpen your intellect, and prepare. By week’s end your ability to think differently allows you to develop innovative new concepts. More to the point, you’re no longer prepared to be taken for granted and won’t hesitate in letting others know this. For singles, a new love affair promises to be more than just a casual fling.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Best Day: Sunday 21st

A phase of your life is coming to a close, so prepare for disruption. Relationships built on sand can expect some erosion. Discontent could even lead you towards clandestine meetings. Singles, too, may prefer a secret dalliance. Finances feature strongly, as does the need to chase your professional dreams. An interesting week ahead.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Best Day: Tuesday 23rd

Times have been hard for a while now, with money issues demanding more attention. Good news: this week anxiety starts to ease, to the point where you can relax. Quality time isn’t so easy to come by during difficult times, so accept this short spell of fun and friendship as a gift from the heavens. Whatever happens, simply enjoy.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Best Day: Monday 22nd

Everyone has moments of doubt. The thoughts of “would have”, “could have” or “should have” can sometimes overpower your motivation and energy. You can’t change the past, Libra - but you can let go of old negativity. Remember the lessons learned, but leave the dramatics behind. Be present. Stay present.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Best Day: Wednesday 24th

Deciding whether or not to give someone another shot is difficult this week. Emotions fluctuate, as you initially succeed in going with the flow, only to perhaps change your mind again … and again. You might also get mixed signals and wonder whether or not you’re making a mistake. For now, it could be hard to tell.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Best Day: Tuesday 23rd

Putting your grand plans into motion could prove to be tricky this week. Pushing your agenda before it's primed to go isn’t conducive to success. Instead, tap into your creativity, and let it lead you in the right direction: with art, a journal, make a collage. It could generate that major “a-ha” moment that provides you with the right answers.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Best Day: Friday 26th

You’re upset, Capricorn – and want to speak your mind. But if you have nothing nice to say – for now, it’s wiser to say nothing at all. Don’t make allegations that are hard to take back. Should you choose to push personal boundaries, be sure you can cope with the consequences. Or if feeling truly tired, take some time out to rest.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Best Day: Thursday 25th

Aquarians are famous for their fiercely stubborn streak. And as compromise isn’t your top priority this week, expect some heated discussions. You’ve had a taste of freedom and want more. Though the planets counsel a degree of care, you want to throw caution to the wind. Just as well your cash supply looks plentiful – even if it is borrowed.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Best Day: Saturday 27th

At last, you’re ready to start acting on that list of great ideas. Soon, you’ll experience extra clarity that will benefit that long-standing labour of love you’ve been working on. Bringing your dreams to life will keep you too busy for romance, but be on the look-out for an unexpected financial possibility – very welcome in these unsettled times.

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