Did you know? Detecting vision impairment at an early stage has a lasting impact on your child

Published Nov 19, 2021


STUDIES have now linked increased time spent indoors focusing on near objects such as computers, TVs, mobile phones and reduced outdoor activity time as key factors contributing to the rapid deterioration in children's eyesight.

A study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins University show that students who were provided with corrective eyewear experienced improvements in maths and reading, their classroom behaviour improved, and they were better able to focus in class discussions and assignments.

The study published on the Hopkins Medicine website provides evidence that spectacles not only help children see more clearly but achieve more academically.

Vision skills needed for effective reading and learning according to Kids Right To Eyesight:

  • Visual acuity: the ability to see clearly in the distance for viewing the chalkboard at an intermediate distance for the computer and up close for reading a book.
  • Eye Focusing: the ability to quickly and accurately maintain clear vision as the distance from objects change, such as when looking from the chalkboard to a paper on the desk and back.
  • Eye tracking: the ability to keep the eyes on target when looking from one object to another, moving the eyes along a printed page or following a moving object like a thrown ball.
  • Eye teaming: the ability to co-ordinate and use both eyes together when moving the eyes along a printed page, and to be able to judge distances and see depth for classwork and sports.

There are some signs that can indicate your child has a vision problem. What are those signs?

  • Frequent eye rubbing or blinking;
  • Short attention span;
  • Avoiding reading and other close activities;
  • Frequent headache;
  • Covering one eye;
  • Tilting the head to one side;
  • Holding reading materials close to the face;
  • Losing place when reading; and
  • Difficulty remembering what they have read.

What is a possible solution? Wearing spectacles is one of the simplest and most effective solutions to treat refractive errors. Once your child starts school, it’s recommended they have an eye examination at least once a year as they continue to develop. By providing children with the right lenses for their needs, it can help to restore their enjoyment and development in school.

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